Site Policies


The Airfield Defence Association Australia Inc (ADAA) does not collect any personal information about individual visitors to our web site for any reason. If a visitor elects to share their email address or other personal particulars with the Webmaster or any of the ADAA Officers in any manner, that information will not be shared with any other organization or individual without specific prior approval.


The cost associated with the domain name ( is borne by the Association. The server space for the ADAA website is borne by a single individual, as do the time and resources required to develop, maintain and manage the site.

If, for any reason, the “owner” of the server space should decide not to continue with the project, the site will be made available, in its entirety and at no charge, to the ADAA committee for the time being.


The content of this website is, unless otherwise clearly indicated, the intellectual property of the ADAA. Although such articles/photographs/poetry etc. may be freely used under the “fair use” provisions of International Copyright Laws, common courtesy and decency requires that approval for such usage be obtained from ADAA prior to use.

Articles/photographs/poetry etc., which are clearly marked as the property of an individual or individuals, require written approval from the copyright holder prior to being used for any purpose, particularly if publication by any means (written/electronic/spoken etc.) is envisaged.

The ADAA webmaster and/or his/her surrogate/representative make every reasonable effort to determine the copyright holder’s name for all writings, graphics and content used, and to give proper credit thereto. If any viewer, reader, or contributor becomes aware of any copyright material on the ADAA website for which proper credit is not given, please contact the webmaster and that matter will be corrected in a timely manner.

The website, “What is Copyright Protection?” is an useful resource that provides a general overview and information regarding Copyright and how it affects the individual writer/poet, the responsibilities and limitation of a user, and the legal rights of a Copyright holder.



    February 2025
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